Anxiety: Survival Tactics and Supportive Tips

Anxiety effects over 40 million Americans personally and studies show that 1 in 4 children are effected by anxiety. In this show, Heather Johnson shares tips for women who struggle with anxiety, thoughts on how to support friends or spouses that may struggle with anxiety AND you'll also learn practical tips for helping our children who struggle with anxiety.

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Rituals & Rites of Passage

There are milestones in our lives that are marked by rituals. What rituals and celebrations do you love? How do you make rites of passage special? We're talking birthdays, showers and life milestones today. How do you celebrate these special moments in your life? Jana leads us in a conversation on the times in our life that we remember forever.

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Busy Busy Busy

Busy-ness is quickly becoming a badge of honor that can lead to unexpected outcomes. If you are always running in an 'everydayathon,' listen to this episode of The Living Room where your host Nicole will explore why we are so busy and some work-arounds to surviving it all.

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Michelle McCullough
Be Bravely Vulnerable

What does "every day vulnerability" look like for you? In this show, we open up about our own VULNERABILITIES and what makes taking RISKS WORTH IT for us. We don't necessarily have SECRETS to to embracing vulnerability, but hopefully our discussion helps you feel a little more comfortable with it by the end of the show. Research shows whether in relationships, business, marriage, new adventures, or overcoming mistakes, embracing vulnerability, and not running away from it, leads to greater happiness .

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