Meaningful Rituals

"Successful families come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing that they all have in common is meaningful rituals. Patterned interactions that have meaning and significance in family life build unity, identity, and make life predictable. Learn more about the benefits of rituals, how to make your family rituals more meaningful, and hear lots of new ideas about rituals you can implement in your family's life."

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What I Gained When I Lost

Today’s topic is something that, as women, we can all relate to. We are talking about those moments that come for us all when, as poet Robert Frost has said, “two roads diverge in a yellow wood.” Often life’s choices result in a form of a sacrifice. Our hosts share experiences of what there is to be gained when losing something meaningful. The great stories of our lives are built on the conflict, the sacrifices, the hard experiences. These are the things that build mighty characters. Join us in taking a moment to consider: What did you gain when you lost?

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